
Siebenbürgischer SOS-Telefon- und Internet-Hilfsdienst
Pre-Supervision Training
Tutorial "Die mächtige Seite des Lebens"
3rd Ars Sacra Exposition
Supervision training, with Károli Gáspár University of Reformed Church in Hungary
„Das Leben in Fülle“ Komplexe psycho-spirituelle fachliche Weiterbildung
Magazin Kisokos, Nagyokos
VIII. Csíksomlyó Mädchen- und Frauentreffen

In 2018, as before, the Association Áradat and its Counselling and Information Centre's goal was suicide prevention, mental higyene in the region, alleviation of mental suffering and preventing the development of mental disorders and addictions. The Transylvanian SOS Telephone and Internet Relief Service had gone through a big change in October 2018, we had an expansion of the service, as volunteers from Sfantu Gheorghe have joioned our team, alongside a new team in Odorheiu Secuiesc. The Service is working for 13 years, and from 2018 we have 35 trained volunteers who answer the phone or to the emails. The phone is open on weekdays from 19,00 till 23,00.

Between January and july we had a Pre-supervisiont raining, organized for workers in the health and social field. We aimed to reach out to: psychologists, counsellors, doctors, medical nurses, priests, pastors, teachers, social workers and lawyers as well.

We continued our ver popular project, "The Aggressive side of Life", which is a program for preventing abuse. During this project we trained school counsellors to give presentations on classes for pupils between the age of 12-18 years. The purpose of the training program developed by our experts was to draw attention to behavior based on mutual respect and to the development of well-functioning, non-violent relationships; we alsoprovided information on the forms and consequences of family-, school- and relationship violence.

We organized the 3rd Ars Sacra Exposition, in collaboration with Franciscan Monastery of Csíksomlyó, the Harghita County Cultural Center and The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia. The main ridge of the program series is related to the spirit of the Csíksomlyó shrine and its values ​​are highly reflected.

It is a great achievement for us that this year our old plan has become more concrete and we have managed to reach an agreement with the Károli Gáspár University of Reformed Church in Hungary, and this way we can start the Supervisor specialization training at the beginning of 2019.

At the same time, we also worked on the organization of a new training that the Association will launch from January. The Life in abundance – complex vocational training (CVT) is open to all those who want to work and develop in the quality of their spiritual and psychological life.

In the autumn of 2015, we founded the Kisokos, Nagyokos magazine for parents, children and educators in Szeklerland to share our experience, knowledge and help parents who are in doubt when they encounter problems. It was also an important goal to meet the attitudes of parents, educators and professionals, especially to protect the mental health of children.

On the 16th-17th of November was organized for the 8th time, the Csíksomlyó Girl and Women Gathering, which is organized annually since 2011.